Dr Amy Price Azano is an Associate Professor of Education and teaches doctoral and masters level courses at Virginia Tech. Her scholarship focuses on rural education and literacy research. She is the co-Principal Investigator of Promoting PLACE (Place, Literacy, Achievement, Community, and Engagement) in Rural Schools, a five-year, 1.9 million dollar U.S. Department of Education grant designed to support gifted education programs in high-poverty rural communities. Her previous academic appointment was at the University of Virginia’s National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented where she worked as a research scientist and project manager on two federally funded grants. Azano is the elected secretary/treasurer of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Rural Education SIG, a member of the Rural Education International Research Alliance, co-director of the Rural School-Community Partnership Research Consortium, serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Research in Rural Education, and was the guest co-editor for a rural themed issue of the Journal of Advanced Academics. She regularly presents on rural education at AERA, the Literacy Research Association, most recently at the International Symposium for Innovation in Rural Education, and has been an invited speaker on rural education in England and Australia. Azano has several book chapters, a curriculum series with Prufrock Press, and over 20 peer-reviewed journal articles, including in top tier journals, such as Review of Research in Education, AERA Open, Journal of Research in Rural Education, and American Educational Research Journal.