Well-being of Teachers in Mexico During Covid-19 (70020)
Friday, 21 April 2023 17:00
Session: Poster
Room: Falls Church Foyer
Presentation Type:Poster Presentation
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers’ well-being worldwide has suffered (Kim et al., 2022). This is particularly true in Mexico, where teachers’ depression, anxiety, stress, and burnout have increased (Cortés-Álvarez et al., 2022). In this study, we sought to investigate how teachers’ affective states were related to their job-related well-being during COVID-19. Our sample consisted of 1,969 high school teachers from 36 schools around Mexico (45.3% female, Mage=40.79,SD=9.51). In the Fall of 2021, participants completed measures pertaining to their emotions at school, job satisfaction, and intentions to leave teaching. We used a new measure of emotion (the Affective Experiences Scale, Floman et al., in prep; 48 items; αs .66 to .91). To measure job satisfaction and intentions to leave teaching, we created two three-item scales (e.g., “I am happy at my job”; α=.82, .71 respectively ). Using linear regression, we found that anxiety, inclusion, and gratitude negatively predicted intentions to leave teaching (βs=-.12 to -.15,ps<.05), while feelings of anger, pride, boredom, and compassion positively predicted intentions to leave teaching (βs=.09 to .24,ps<.05). Joy, inspiration, and gratitude positively predicted job satisfaction (βs=.09 to .14,ps<.05); sadness and boredom negatively predicted job satisfaction (βs=-.08,-.11,ps<.05). Prior research on teacher well-being has focused broadly on positive and negative affect (e.g., PANAS, Thompson, 2007). These findings indicate that specific affective states are important for increasing Mexican teachers’ longevity in the classroom.
Ana Sofia Viejo Barragan, Yale University, United States
Annette Ponnock, Yale University, United States
Jessica Hoffman, Yale University, United States
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Annette Ponnock is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Yale University in United States
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